Shipping costs and delivery

Prices and shipping costs

The prices stated on the product pages include VAT and other price components.

  < 100 EUR > 100 EUR Paddles Kayak Sea kayak Letter
Austria 5,00 free shipping free shipping 65,00 95,00 1,15
Italy, Germany 6,00 free shipping free shipping 75,00 180,00 1,50
European Union + Norway* 15,00 15,00 15,00 400,00 400,00 1,50
Switzerland* (free domicile, duty unpaid, untaxed)
We pay the freight and export costs.
The recipient bears all other costs incurred
(import, customs, EUSt.)
15,00 15,00 15,00 150,00 500,00 1,50

The shipping costs are clearly indicated on the product pages, in the shopping cart system and on the order page.

*Note for deliveries to Switzerland and Norway: we will be happy to refund the Austrian VAT. If you would like to have the VAT refunded, please let us know in writing when you place your order. We will automatically receive an export certificate from our shipping service provider as soon as your shipment has left the European Union. As soon as we have received this, we can transfer the Austrian VAT back to you. The VAT can only be refunded, but not deducted in advance. It will be transferred back to you in the same way as we received your payment.