Test center

Numerous test boats from the leading brands

We have most of the whitewater kayaks that we offer in our online store available as test and rental boats. Especially from our core brands Waka Kayaks, EXO and DragoRossi almost all models are available. Please contact us by email if you would like to test or hire a specific kayak.

Can be tested directly at the store or on surrounding rivers

We are in the fortunate position of being able to offer you a test opportunity directly at the store. Our kayak store is located on the shores of Lake Natterer See, where you can test boats and other equipment without much effort. If you prefer a test ride in white water, rivers such as the Sill, Ruetz, Inn and Ötztaler Ache are only a few minutes' drive away.


We charge €25 per day if you test the kayak on the river - it's free on the lake.